Task List 5th Ed © Breakdowns

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Section A

Philosophical Underpinnings

A-1: Identify the goals of behavior analysis as a science (I.e., description, prediction, control) ©

A-2: Explain the philosophical assumptions underlying the science of behavior analysis (e.g., selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, pragmatism) ©

A-3: Describe and explain behavior from the perspective of radical behaviorism ©

A-4: Distinguish among behaviorism, the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and professional practice guided by the science of behavior analysis ©

A-5: Describe and define the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968) ©

Section B

Concepts and Principles

B-1: Define and provide examples of behavior, response, and response class ©

B-2: Define and provide examples of stimulus and stimulus class ©

B-3: Define and provide examples of respondent and operant conditioning ©

B-4: Define and provide examples of positive and negative reinforcement contingencies ©

B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement ©

B-6: Define and provide examples of positive and negative punishment contingencies ©

B-7: Define and provide examples of automatic and socially mediated contingencies ©

B-8: Define and provide examples of unconditioned, conditioned and generalized reinforcers and punishers ©

B-9: Define and provide examples of operant extinction ©

B-10: Define and provide examples of stimulus control ©

B-11: Define and provide examples of discrimination, generalization and maintenance ©

B-12: Define and provide examples of motivating operations ©

B-13: Define and provide examples of rule-governed and contingency-shaped behavior ©

B-14: Define and provide examples of the verbal operants ©

B-15: Define and provide examples of derived stimulus relations ©

Section C

Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation

C-1: Establish operational definitions of behavior ©

C-2: Distinguish among direct, indirect, and product measures of behavior ©

C-3: Measure occurrence (e.g., frequency, rate, percentage) ©

C-4: Measure temporal dimensions of behavior (e.g., duration, latency, Interresponse time) ©

C-5: Mesure the strength of behavior (e.g., topography, magnitude) ©

C-6: Measure trials to criterion ©

C-7: Design and implement sampling procdures (i.e., interal recording, time sampling) ©

C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures ©

C-9: Select a measurement system to obtain representative data given the dimensions of behavior and the logistics of observing and recording ©

C-10: Graph data to communicate relevant quantitative relationships (e.g., equal-interval graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records) ©

C-11: Interpret graphed data ©

Section D

Experimental Design

D-1: Differentiate between dependent and independent variables ©

D-2: Distinguish between internal and external validity ©

D-3: Identify defining features of single-subject experimental designs (e.g., individuals serve as their own controls, repeated measures, prediction, verification, replication) ©

D-4: Describe the advantages of single-subject experimental designs compared to group design ©

D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion) ©

D-6: Describe rationales for conducting comparative, component and parametric analyses ©

Section E


E-1: Introduction ©

E-2: Responsibility as a Professional ©

E-3: Responsibility in Practice ©

E-4: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders ©

E-5: Responsibity to Supervisees and Trainees ©

E-6: Responsibility to Public Statements ©

E-7: Responsibility in Research ©

Section F

Behavior Assessment

Meet the Clients (case examples)

F-1: Review records and available data (e.g., educational, medical, historical) at the outset of the case ©

F-2: Determine the need for behavior-analytic services ©

F-3: Identify and prioritize socially significant behavior-change goals ©

F-4: Conduct assessments of relevant skill strengths and deficits ©

F-5: Conduct preference assessments ©

F-6: Describe the common functions of problem behavior ©

F-7: Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior ©

F-8: Conduct a functional analysis of problem behavior ©

F-9: Interpret functional assessment data ©

Section G

Behavior Change Procedures

G-1: Use positive and negative reinforcement procedures to strengthen behavior ©

G-2: Use interventions based on motivating operations and discriminative stimuli ©

G-3: Establish and use conditioned reinforcers ©

G-4: Use stimulus and response prompts and fading (e.g., errorless, most-to-least, least-to-most, prompt delay, stimulus fading) ©

G-5: Use modeling and imitation training ©

G-6: Use instructions and rules ©

G-7: Use shaping ©

G-8: Use chaining ©

G-9: Use discrete-trial, free-operant, and naturalistic teaching arrangements ©

G-10: Teach simple and conditional discriminations ©

G-11: Use Skinner’s analysis to teach verbal behavior ©

G-12: Use equivalence-based instruction ©

G-13: Use the high-probability instructional sequence ©

G-14: Use reinforcement procedures to weaken behavior (e.g., DRA, FCT, DRO, DRL, NCR) ©

G-15: Use extinction ©

G-16: Use positive and negative punishment (e.g., time-out, response cost, overcorrection) ©

G-17: Use token economies ©

G-18: Use group contingencies ©

G-19: Use contingency contracting ©

G-20: Use self-management strategies ©

G-21: Use procedures to promote stimulus and response generalization ©

G-22: Use procedures to promote maintenance ©

Section H

Selecting and Implementing Interventions

H-1: State intervention goals in observable and measurable terms ©

H-2: Identify potential interventions based on assessment results and the best available scientific evidence ©

H-3: Recommend intervention goals and strategies based on factors such as client preferences, supporting environments, risks, constraints, and social validity ©

H-4: When a target behavior is to be decreased, select an acceptable alternative to be established or increased ©

H-5: Plan for possible unwanted effects when using reinforcement, extinction, and punishment procedures ©

H-6: Monitor client progress and treatment integrity ©

H-7: Make data-based decisions about the effectiveness of the intervention and the need for treatment revision ©

H-8: Make data-based decisions about the need for ongoing services ©

H-9: Collaborate with others who support and/or provide services to clients ©

Section I

Personnel Supervision and Management

I-1: State the reasons for using behavior-analytic supervision and the potential risks of ineffective supervision (e.g., poor client outcomes, poor supervisee performance) ©

I-2: Establish clear performance expectations for the supervisor and supervisee ©

I-3:Select supervision goals based on an assessment of the supervisee’s skills ©

I-4: Train personnel to competently perform assessment and intervention procedures ©

I-5: Use performance monitoring, feedback, and reinforcement systems ©

I-6: Use a functional assessment approach (e.g., performance diagnostics) to identify variables affecting personnel performance ©

I-7: Use function-based strategies to improve personnel performance ©

I-8: Evaluate the effects of supervision (e.g., on client outcomes, on supervisee repertoires) ©